Ceftaroline fosamil for the treatment of complicated skin and soft tissue infections or community acquired pneumonia

Ceftaroline fosamil ( Zinforo ) is a new intravenous cephalosporin antibiotic indicated for the treatment of adult patients with complicated skin and soft tissue infections ( cSSTI ) or community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ).
Ceftaroline fosamil is bactericidal and works by binding to and inhibiting penicillin-binding proteins ( PBPs ). PBPs are involved in bacterial cell wall synthesis and repair and their inhibition leads to reduced bacterial cell replication and/or cell death.
Ceftaroline fosamil has been designed with a specific mode of action which contributes to its bactericidal activity against the common causative pathogens of cSSTI, and CAP and unlike other cephalosporins, shows a high affinity for particular PBPs in MRSA in cSSTI and Streptococcus pneumoniae in CAP.

No cases of CAP due to MRSA were enrolled into the studies; the available clinical data cannot substantiate efficacy against PNSP.
Ceftaroline fosamil is not active against strains of Enterobacteriaceae producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases ( ESBLs ) or Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
In addition in vitro data in CAP indicate that the following atypical species are not susceptible to Ceftaroline: Chlamydophila spp. Legionella spp. Mycoplasma spp.

Complicated skin and soft tissue infections ( cSSTI ) are difficult-to-treat infections of the skin and underlying soft tissues such as fascia and muscle layers e.g. deep soft tissue abscesses, cellulitis and surgical site infections.
cSSTIs are among the most common antibiotic treated infections in the hospital setting and represent approximately 12% of all antibiotic-treated hospital patients in Europe.

Community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) is an acute infection of the lungs ( pneumonia ) in a patient who has not been exposed to a hospital or long-term care facility.
The estimated incidence of CAP is between two and 12 cases per 1000 inhabitants in Europe each year. The annual incidence of CAP in the elderly has been estimated to be four-times that of younger populations. ( Xagena )

Source: AstraZeneca, 2012
